【新闻简讯】趣味亲子运动会 家长孩子乐翻天/Parent-Child Games
来源:本站 点击数:8757次 更新时间:2017-8-23 9:47:11

爱 在CLS-A
 Love was in CLS-A



 On April 8th, parents and children from all of the 17 classes in Canadian Foreign Language School-Agile(CLS-A) got together to enjoy our sports meet.


Amid the cheers, the teams marched in orderly steps, accompanied by the march of the athletes. With varied formations and features, the athletes were on their way in the wind.




For football, parents and children started at the same time, shooting after a curved road. Within the game, they experienced the saying “the road is tortuous, but the future is bright”.


They were working hard together to make a firm home for the collective.
They were so confident when they stand on the Human tank track they made.


They ran around the obstacles just to meet the children running toward them, so they could finish the challenge together in this cooperative game.


There was no surprise that the most grueling challenge of all the games was the tug-o-war. Loud cheers rang out continuously.





The activities for the intense sports meet include: Human pyramid, tennis, football, a cooperative game, and tug-o-war. Each project is designed to build and deepen relationships between parents and children. At the end of the competition, Junye Tan, the chief referee, and Lihua Zheng, principal, presented awards for the winners.


“酷炫夏日SHOW” 金地加拿达幼儿园迎六 一首届亲子运动会



 6月1日,广州市增城区金地加拿达幼儿园举办“酷炫夏日SHOW”迎六 一首届亲子运动会。全体老师和保育员精彩的开场舞——“鼓舞飞扬”表演为此次亲子运动会拉开了帷幕。







Coolest Summer Show

June 1, Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten Gemdale (CKE-Z), held their first “Coolest Summer Show”— the First Sports meeting for parents and kids. The wonderful opening dance of all the teachers and nurses performance – Inspired and Flying - was the start of the parent-child sports meeting.

In the opening each class marched in time to the music with student-designed flags while chanting class mottos. Each group, class by class, passed through the auditorium on a wonderful tour of all the classes; a naive little animal team, cycling team, active army soldier team, cool rock and roll team, vibrant basketball performance, and the super cool scooter team...... The sounds of the trumpet and loud cheering rang out.

The games included activities such as basketball, ball bounce, candy tasting and golf. With cooperation our enthusiastic children, and exciting games, the whole activity presented a harmonious, happy atmosphere.


Parents said that the parent-child games improved the bond between parents and children and gave the events a joyful air which took them back to the innocence of childhood, having gained a long-lost warmth.



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