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Geological explorers





Hello, everyone, here we come



Little pastry chefs


Our CIEO Flight Crew

    中大班的小朋友一起去了乐趣无穷的 “广州星期八小镇”。在这里,孩子们扮演着形形色色的社会角色:医生、记者、空姐、飞行员、主持人、西点师、美容、警察等。在各自的岗位上,他们认真了解职业内容,严格遵守职业规则,同时也非常努力地"工作",赚钱"养家",学会了如何尊重他人的工作及劳动成果。(完)

Field Trips
Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten - Baiyun (CKE-BY)

In May, kids from Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten - Baiyun visited Chimelong’s Amphibian & Reptile House and Eday Town.

Mini and Small class Chimelong

Teachers led students through the wetland plants on a tour of the amphibian and reptile house.  Students asked questions actively throughout the tour as teachers engaged their curiosity.  Our group was treated to a variety of animal performances but nothing captured kids’ attention like the crocodiles as they opened their mouths full of sharp teeth.  The park’s brave trainers put their hands into the animals’ mouths as our students covered their own mouths to avoid making noises which might startle the crocs.  We hope this activity broadened our students’ horizons and brought them closer to nature.

Middle and Big class  Eday Town

Kids at Eday town role-play a variety of jobs; doctors, journalists, flight attendants, pilots, TV presenters, pastry chefs, police officers and more.  Kids earn e-currency for their hard work and take control of their own earnings. Kids enjoy this experience and the immersive sense of reality built into the pavilions.  They take making money seriously and gain valuable experience about different occupations which leads them to respect the work and careers of others.





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