【企业发展】CIEO喜报频传 催人奋进
来源:本站 点击数:7737次 更新时间:2017-8-24 9:11:23




    一份耕耘,一份收获。2017年3月24日,广州番禺区南村教育指导中心在南村镇文化中心举办“传承经典 墨韵飘香”——南村镇2017年中小学生现场书法比赛。加拿达外国语学校雅居乐校区学生在此书法比赛中,喜获佳绩:


    4月15日,在番禺区教育局举办的“上品教化 尚美校园”——番禺区中小学生千人现场书画比赛中,再获佳绩:




Canadian Foreign Language School – Agile(CLS-A)
CLS-A Saw greats success at a calligraphy competition

No pain, no gain. On March 24, 2017, Canadian Foreign Language School-Agile saw great success at a calligraphy competition for contestants from middle and primary schools held by the Education Guidance Center of Nancun in Panyu.


First prize: Jiayu Zhou, Jiaqi Cai
Third prize: Dejia Zheng, Ruoxi Du and Yichen Zhao


On April 15, Canadian Foreign Language School-Agile experienced more great achievement in a calligraphy and painting competition with about a thousand students from middle and primary schools, held by the Panyu District Education Bureau.


Second prize: Jiayu Zhou, Jiaqi Cai


Their works, steady, clear and vivid, were praise by attending experts.



Dongzhuan Li was granted the honor for high-quality lessons.


Congratulations to teacher Li on gaining this prize won by only three private schools and four teachers in Panyu.




Zhihui Zhang giving a speech at CLS-A


    3月31日,羊城烟雨蒙蒙。一场精彩的中小学班主任成长故事叙述比赛在南村镇中心小学如火如荼地进行。广州番禺区加拿达外国语学校张智慧老师参加此次比赛,并荣获一等奖 。



    “教育即是爱。爱,是走进孩子心灵最近的路……” 张智慧老师深情地演说着。她将自身真实的经历融入其中,讲述自己如何通过一名一年级学生的教育实例,获得自身心态及教学艺术提升的成长历程。


Judges and the contestants


Love is the Shortest Path to Children's Hearts
CIEO Teacher Wins First Prize in Speech Contest

On March 31st, a speech contest, for the growth stories of head teachers of primary and secondary schools, was held in the central primary school of Nancun. Zhihui Zhang from Canadian Foreign Language School-Agile won First Prize.


A class’ head teacher is an enduring person in one’s student days. Every single student has their own ideas about their head teacher and all attendees at the competition had the opportunity to hear a unique story of love.


"Love is the nearest way to go into the minds of children", created by Ms Zhang, tells of her growth in self-psychology and teaching arts through using first-year students’ teaching experiences. During the speech, she was generous and told her own growth story.The audience was moved by her sincerity as the judges nodded in agreement with her points.


In the end, Ms. Zhang's teacher won the first prize of the competition because of her authentic story, emotional expression and unique education methods.










Canadian International Kindergarten – Calgary (CKE-CY)

Congratulations, Calgary Kindergarten Teachers for Winning Essay Competition

There are eight teachers from our kindergarten who won a prize in the contest for outstanding educational essays and teaching designation held in Foshan. Teachers Yanhou Liang, Yanjun Liu and Dongmei Pan won first prize, teachers Qionghui Qiu, Huanzhen Yang and Yuli Hou won second prize and teacher Jing Qin won the third prize.  This is really

inspiring news.


This event provides better learning and communication for kindergarten teachers and also raises the teachers’ professionalism.  In recent years, our teachers devoted themselves to study and have prepared essays from their daily experiences the spread of which has propelled the preschool educational development of our kindergarten further. Winning in this contest has strengthened the teachers’ confidence and determination for further educational study. It also inspires our teachers to step forward on the journey through educational study to have even more achievements in the future.


 Congratulations to all of our winners!



Canadian International Kindergarten - Agile (CKE-AG)


番禺区好园丁陈伟垣 赖春萍 陈丽兵 郑容 陈述

Excellent Teachers in Panyu District: Weiyuan Chen, Chunping Lai, Libin Chen, Rong Zheng, Shu Chen




Top Kindergarten in Panyu District

Demonstration Featured Kindergarten for Guangdong Province


Advanced and Featured Unit for Teaching Kids English




Children’s Creative Art Competition: Mufei Li, Qichun Zhang, Jun Xu (teacher), Wenyan Zhang, Chuyuan Chen.




Pre-School Excellent Essay Competition hosted by Guangzhou Pre-school Education Professional Committee

Second Prize: Yan Lin

Third Prize: Junling Han




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