来源:本站 点击数:7398次 更新时间:2017-7-31 16:32:37





















CIEO’s Fourth Annual Employees’Sport Day

May 20th, Canadian Foreign Language School – Cambridgeshire campus was the site of CIEO’s annual sports meet.  Our employees from all locations gathered to look upward, pursue physical fitness and build bonds with coworkers.

Featuring such events as table tennis, tug-of-war, standing long jump, 4X50m relay races, basketball, football and a silly race, over 1000 employees from CIEO schools, kindergartens, training centers and head office but their individual locations in the spotlight.  Each location opened the day with a short performance, one by one, including displays of cheerleading, Chinese fan dancing and dragon dancing.  “You’ve really touched my heart,” said CIEO President, Winnie Chen, of the performances which combined Chinese and western culture showing off the inclusiveness that has come to define CIEO.

The unexpected rain couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm of participants who continued playing and competing as hard as ever.  With the highest overall score (217.3 points) Canadian Calgary Kindergarten was the winning location on the day.

Our 4th Annual Employees’ Sport Day was a complete success, with friendships deepened, team-spirit raised and unity strengthened across CIEO’s locations more than ever before.





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