Meaning of Canadian Camp 游学加拿大的意义 | 写在CIEO 2017加拿大冬令营之后
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In a sophisticated educational marketplace parents have to make decisions for their kids based on the kind of experiences they want their child to have with their schooling.  CIEO has long offered parents and students an experience which transcends standard education as we strive to meaningfully connect students with a means of honest culture exchange.  As CIEO classrooms aim to draw connections between China and the world, our Canadian Camps aim to go deeper than simple travel and tourism.  Rather, the goal is to have students experience an authentic cultural immersion in the hopes that they will absorb some of the values which Canada prides itself upon; caring, respect, responsibility, fairness and being a trustworthy citizen.

This offer isn't merely about changing a child's winter, but changing a child's life.







English-Speaking Destination

全英环境 学习胜地

Traveling in Canada provides our students with an incredible opportunity to test and improve their language skills in an authentic English environment.  To expand students’ vocabularies, our camps include a daily requirement to learn at least one new English phrase.


• Kids choosing travel are already in possession of a gifted mindset, one which allows them to be open-minded about new places and cultures and the opportunities for growth which are involved in culture exchange. 

• 参加国外游学活动的孩子一般都拥有一个天赋的良好心态,这有助于他们开拓思维去适应新的地域和文化,并有机会在文化交融中成长;

• The past Winter Camp a student named Sam travelled to Canada and was somewhat nervous about his English skills in a native-speaking environment.  Through his confidence he took the chance to make friends and fit in and overcoming his fear.  By the end of our trip, he had no trouble asking waiters for help, talking to cashiers about shop merchandise or asking locals for directions.

• 此次CIEO冬令营中有个叫Sam的孩子,一开始他有些担心自己的英语水平在加拿大纯正的英语语言环境下不适应,然而他的自信让他利用这次游学的机会和加拿大当地的孩子做了好朋友,克服了恐惧。在游学快结束时,他已经可以轻松地向服务员求助、与收银员讨论商店里的商品、向当地人问路。

• Candy was on her second trip to Canada with our program.  She was able to travel free from fear and found no problems exploring, making new friends, and learning about the culture and language.  Beyond English, she seemed to love to learn about, and take part in, traditional Canadian customs.  Watching her lead her group of friends around to show them places of interest and explain different parts of the culture made it easy to see the benefits she had taken away from multiple travel experiences.

• Candy是第二次参加CIEO海外游学活动了。她对旅行没有任何恐惧,在探索、交友、学习新的文化和语言方面已经没有任何问题。除了学习英语,她似乎很喜欢了解并置身加拿大的风土人情之中。她带着朋友们到各处有趣的景点参观并向他们介绍不同领域的文化,让人不难看出,多次的海外游学经历已经让她获益良多。


海外教育 自信表现

• Exposure to a foreign education allows students to see how children their age live in different settings.  It also shows them that, while our language might be different, knowledge is universal. Camp leader, Mark, walked into a class where Vicky, a fifth grade CLS-C student, was studying to kids literally jumping and very eager to share some news.  Vicky had just completed a math test intended for Canadian Grade 7 students and had gotten one of the top marks in class.  For the staff and students it was very impressive and her confidence following this achievement satisfies a major aim of our programs; she had been tested in a foreign country and had passed with flying colours, exceeding expectations for her age in the process.

• 亲历海外教育,孩子们真实感受到了异域同龄人的学习环境,也让他们认识到,语言虽有不同,知识却是相通的。Vicky是CIEO旗下番禺区剑桥郡加拿达外国语学校五年级的学生,她在此次加拿大冬令营一战成名。当领队Mark走进她的教室,孩子们激动得要跳起来地告诉他:Vicky参加了针对加拿大七年级学生的数学测试,并取到了班上最高分,这给老师和同学们都留下了深刻印象。她不仅在异国顺利通过考试,还大获全胜!她的优异表现让她更加自信,而这也正是CIEO游学活动的目的之一。 


冒险旅程 新奇体验

• Many students’ favourite part of the trip was attending a real Canadian school and staying with local host families.  This type of immersion is essential to the experience of our Canadian Camps as it’s starkly different from traditional tourism.

• 对很多孩子来说,海外游学最受欢迎的地方就是可以真实参与到加拿大本土学校课堂并入住加拿大寄宿家庭。这种与传统旅行截然不同的浸入式的体验,正是CIEO加拿大游学营的精华所在。

• Other students favoured skiing on the snowy hills of Mount Washington.  Interacting with the Canadian climate in a fun pastime is a great way for kids to connect with their host culture. 

• 有的孩子喜欢在华盛顿雪山滑雪。在欢快的活动中亲身体验加拿大的气候,对孩子们来说也是一种很好的融入当地文化的方式。

• Some students ranked trying try to get pictures of the different birds they saw flying around as one of their favorite parts of the trip.  Canada is famously proud of its nature and the many species which call this country home.

• 有些孩子抓拍翱翔天际的各种鸟类并将这种爱好视为旅行的一部分。加拿大以其自然风光和丰富的物种为傲,这里是很多动物的家园。

• Two students, Maggie and Jane, found themselves most interested in the shopping excursions on our trip.  They excitedly asked their teachers when they’d be able to go shopping and were enthralled with the different brand names and items they could buy around Vancouver.  

• 在这次旅行中,Maggie和Jane对购物尤其兴致高涨,她们总是很兴奋地问老师什么时候可以开始购物,温哥华周边琳琅满目的商品和各种品牌也让她们着迷。

• Canadian camp doesn’t merely focus on one theme; rather, we give students the opportunity to explore different aspects of living in Canada.  The goal is as rich and authentically Canadian an experience as possible for each of our kids.

• 加拿大冬令营不仅仅关注在一个主题上,同时我们给孩子们带来探索加拿大不同领域的机会。我们的目标是让孩子们真正的体验加拿大。

Fun and Bonding

欢欣永驻 情谊长存

• When we travel as a group, we tend to make bonds and create experiences that can lead to new, lifelong friendships.  Many of us who had such experiences as children remember the friends we made and times we shared throughout the rest of our lives.

• CIEO海外游学,注重于在团队游学时建立紧密联系,创造新奇体验,以促成孩子们在活动中建立新的终生的友谊。在未来的日子里,很多孩子都会一直记得那些一起度过的时光,和那份深厚的友谊。

• Sometimes we even strengthen bonds which existed in the first place.  Two brothers, Brian and Green, attending our trip this time were constantly with each other and looking out for each other.  If Green wanted something but didn’t know how to ask for it, Brian was there to help with English.  If Brian got homesick, Green was there to cheer him up.  In the end, both brothers ended up loving the experience, with Brian saying that he actually wanted to move to Canada to begin studying immediately as he loved how relaxed Canadian schooling is.

• 有时候,那些原本已经存在的情感纽带还会被加强。Brian和Green是两兄弟,整个游学期间,两人始终是彼此照顾形影不离。如果Green想要什么却不知如何表达,Brian会立马帮忙;如果Brian想家了,Green会让他重新振作起来。后来,兄弟俩都深深爱上了这场游学的经历,Brian甚至说他迫不及待地想留在加拿大上学了,因为他觉得加拿大的学校没有学习压力。

by Paul Kozyn and Mark Emptage, translated by Joanna Yi and Frank Hong

作者:Paul Kozyn & Mark Emptage

译者:Joanna Yi & Frank Hong

CIEO 2017海外游学夏令营

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