【新闻简讯】潜心教研 别具匠心
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 Spririt of Craftsmanship:  Focusing on Teaching and Research
Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile (CKE-AG)

In the Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile (CKE-AG), there are a group of foreign " craftsmen" who are dedicated their work, striving for excellence in researching the best teaching styles and methods.
Foreign Teacher’s Collaboration - Weekly Division Meeting
Foreign teachers at CKE-AG have regular opportunities to learn from each other. The team comes together on a weekly basis with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The teachers work interdependently to achieve common goals - goals linked to the purpose of “Learning for All”. We see to it that we take all the work out of lesson planning and commit our time to learning how to deliver a good, fun and interactive class to our children. With all that being said, teachers collaborate at CKE-AG  to help to build well-rounded students and strong teachers!
CKE-AG Foreign Teacher’s Continuing Educational Training
CKE-AG has ongoing in-house international training. This covers the 8 points of EFL, as well as learning how to develop and apply the 8 habits to both teachers and students. Around the " Guide" and" Outline" foreign teachers tried to foresee and plan for future problems that may occur. It not only helped foreign teachers to use teaching tools and skills to guide children correctly, but also helped to standardize the behavior of teachers.
Preparation of classroom decoration and teaching materials
Foreign teachers at CKE-AG display their creativeness and intelligence by making their own teaching materials. This is a key factor that can assist in the implementation of effective teaching and learning. In CIEO’s Theme Immersion International Program, we take every opportunity for our children to learn. We always provide an environment that can reinforce learning for every child. We have a monthly theme and every month we decorate our classroom with interactive wall displays. Our children’s little helping hands contribute their own art work and that makes our decorations more interesting to any visitors.
Observing Classes
Foreign teachers at CKE-AG observe the classes of other teachers. The aim is to simply focus on their professional growth and development. Observing someone else’s class can lead to suggestions about how to handle a student’s behavior, as well as opportunities to share successful teaching approaches with the observer. Foreign teachers can view many different teaching approaches and learning styles as they take a careful look at student/teacher interactions. Class observation is one model of professional development.


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